Podcasts returning in the Fall!

I love summer, but I think we can all look forward to this.

As you know, we like to take the summer off, but come this autumn, which is approaching with amazing speed, it is time to roll into the studio and do some of that there podcasting again!

On September 14, we will return for a SEVENTH season of Dead On the Bases (a full schedule can be found here on the website.) Tim, our horror fan and resident vampire, will challenge our sports fan and judgmental umpire, Jeff, with a horror film each week while he returns suit. As usual, the program will be broadcast LIVE on Twitch (twitch.tv/OtherworldlyCulture or visiting our live broadcast channel on the site). It will return on Thursdays at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT.

After a Christmas break, we will return with Dead On Movie Reviews on January 18. In a stunning move, that program will move to Thursdays at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT. This moves all our programming to Thursdays and gives us DEAD ON THURSDAYS on TWITCH!

Hope you can join us for all the fun!