Killer High (2018)

Universally Loved
Pick from Peacock

One of the flicks popping up on Peacock for Halloween is Killer High (2018). Originally this was a made for SyFy Channel creature feature, which generally are just plain awful crud that The Asylum churns out.

This movie is no classic, but it isn’t complete garbage either. I know that is not a rave, but I think it is appropriate.

Sabrina is one of those young ladies who “peaked” in high school and planned the “perfect” high school reunion. The problem is the the high school (and the city!) are falling apart and, oh yeah, a killer WARTHOG is on the loose.

I know I pigged out at my High School reunion, but this is ridiculous!

It is pretty much a comedy about what a joke Sabrina’s life has become and her rivalry with the leader of the cheerleaders even all these years later. It also takes jabs at their deteriorating city of their youth, which works great for explaining why they can’t call the cops (not only is their no cell coverage, but the police have shut down and left town too!)

Peer pressure to die in an entertaining way is huge in Killer High!

The monster is a ridiculous costume, but at least it isn’t a ridiculous CGI cartoon. The Australian version of this could have had Taz drawn in there to good effect I think. But then this would be on what platform WB is streaming on.

Geez! That monster is so horny!

Certainly the movie won’t win any Oscars, but it was a mildly enjoyable little watch with only 5 commercial breaks put in by the bird.

Grade: C