Now Streaming: Virus Double Feature

Now Streaming: Science Fiction

During this time of social isolation, our need for entertainment has never been greater. Let’s check out some of the great television and movies available on streaming platforms.

Tonight’s Genre: SCIENCE FICTION

First Pick: Contagion

The world is sent into a pandemic as a deadly virus spreads from one person to another. The germaphobe’s nightmare watches people die left and right as a team of doctors rush to find a cure for an unknown disease that spreads like wild fire. The movies is almost like a documentary as it goes day by day with a counter at the bottom of the screen showing the progress of the disease.

Yidio Plot Synopsis

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Second Pick: The Last Ship

In this drama series, the crew of a US Navy ship remains at sea after a virus decimates the human population on land. The hope is that a vaccine can be developed on board the ship and that the crew can save the human species from extinction. The series aired for four seasons on TNT.

Yidio Plot Synopsis

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